Park Range Ranches offers a limited private-land elk hunt once a year at
fourth rifle season (first week of November). When the snow covers the mountain meadows
the 350-400 head elk herd bases here in our haylands, and the hunting is
We restrict this hunt to five hunters who are accommodated at Fort Boettcher,
the owner's residence, in attractive, comfortable and well-insulated cabins
with private baths. Jerry and Lance Towle, managers of our agricultural
operations and twenty year residents of this ranch, know the game and
their habits well and will act as your guides. Both are experienced gunbuilders
and marksmen, as well as wildlife experts.
We offer the best in Southern hospitality, fine food and drink, warm fires
and good fellowship.
If you get your elk early, you can stay through the week.
The cost is $5,000 per hunter, one half on reservation, the other half two weeks before
Out-of-state licenses are $250.25 over the counter, and are the hunter's
responsibility. We will take care of having your elk hung, butchered, and
shipped to you (within the continental U.S.).

We have one stipulation for this hunt: We ask you to arrive a
couple of days before the hunt begins so we can help you sight in your rifle
and get used to shooting at Western distances, so we can get used to your
shooting style, and so you can get used to the altitude (8,300 feet) before
we go into action. We like clean kills and we've found a little preparation
goes a long way.

Join us for the hunt!
© 2002 Park Range Ranches
888-321-7275 fish@parkrange.com